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Painting Resources

Serving Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Kohler, WI and the surrounding areas

The front of each house has a porch, stairs and a sidewalk.
Your Trusted Local Painting Company

Painting Resources

Proudly Serving Sheboygan, WI, Elkhart Lake, WI, Kohler, WI, and the Surrounding Wisconsin Suburbs

Painting Resources2024-03-21T12:23:32-04:00

Cabinet Staining 101: Easy Beginner’s Guide to Expert Techniques

Cabinets are the centerpiece of any kitchen, setting the tone for the entire space. While replacing them can be a costly endeavor, a simple staining project can breathe new life into your existing cabinets, transforming the look and feel of your kitchen without breaking the bank. In this comprehensive [...]

April 15, 2024|

Pressure Washing 101: An Awesome Guide to Tackling Common Outdoor Grime

Let's be honest, as homeowners, we've all faced the struggle of dealing with stubborn dirt and grime that seems to cling to every surface of our properties. Pressure washing is an incredibly powerful tool for tackling these messes, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different types of dirt and grime [...]

April 8, 2024|